Women in Self-Publishing Panel at INDYpendent show, Indianapolis, Indiana – March 30, 2014
Lee Bradford, KT Swartz, & Crystal Ash
Had a great time at the INDYpendent show in Indianapolis on March 30th.The staff did a great job making everyone comfortable and I met some great people.
For those who aren’t aware, this convention is set up as a gathering for independent and alternative artists and writers doing things in the Indie comic community, with the added twist that both attendees and guests are there to share information with each other. It’s a networking event as much as a promotional event.
I was in the panel Women in Self-Publishing with Lee Bradford & KT Swartz. It was a new experience for all of us. We had a lot of feedback from the audience, leading to some great discussion about different opportunities out there for people interested in making their own projects come to life. I learned as much from my other panel guests and the audience as I (hopefully) was able to offer to everyone else in the room. The convention staff did a phenomenal job setting everything up for us.
Each table lists the areas of focus of the person sitting at the table. Conversely, convention goers list their interests on their pass tags, which provides a way for everyone to easily identify what everyone’s interests are and “find your people”.
A great concept, executed very well. If you’re interested in networking and education as well as promoting yourself in the Indie Comics Community, I highly recommend this convention.
Tags: conventions, Events, public appearance